The US Fish and Wildlife Service regulate TES species on private lands; management is shared with the Forest Service on public lands. There are no sensitive species and no endangered species known to be present on the private lands of the Maclay Ranch. 

On the public land portion of the project, four threatened animals are of concern: grizzly bears, Canada lynx, gray wolf and bull trout. Of the four, bull trout is the only species documented in the project area. Bears, lynx and wolf are not currently documented, but may pass through from other areas or forage occasionally; surveys to detect their presence will be needed. Westslope cutthroat trout are listed as sensitive by the Forest Service, and will also require evaluation on public lands.

No endangered plants are currently listed in Montana; three threatened species are listed but unlikely to occur in the project habitat.  The Forest Service has identified additional plant species they call sensitive, and these must be inventoried on the public land portion of the project along with the threatened species.


A variety of wildlife species inhabit both public and private lands associated with this project and the potential effects on this wildlife will require evaluation. Whitetail deer and elk are the most common large animals. Black bears, coyote, mule deer, bobcat, porcupine, squirrel, fox, mice, hare, skunk and others are also present.

The Resort has incorporated 'Living with Wildlife' provisions for developments from the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. In keeping with these provisions, the development's design leaves the majority of the 2,900-acre ranch as open space, preserving movement corridors and habitat for wildlife.

There is a year-round elk population on the Resort.  This area lies within hunting district #240, which currently has approximately 930 elk present, an increase of 300% over the last 20 years. The statewide elk management plan calls for a reduction to 750 elk in this district. The Resort will maintain long-term Ecological Monitoring and Assessment sites to evaluate affects of the development on soils, plants and animals. Any public lands in 'special use' associated with the Resort will be subject to the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA).

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